Head of the Department of Mathematics

Professor Axel Gandy has accepted appointment as Head of the Department of Mathematics with effect from 1 October 2023, for a period of 5 years. To facilitate a smooth transition, Professor Gandy will start shadowing the current Head of Department Professor David van Dyk from 1 October 2022. Professor van Dyk has extended his term as Head of the Department by a year until 30 September 2023.     

Professor Gandy joined the College in 2006 as a lecturer and was appointed as Chair in Statistics in 2015. He is currently Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning.   

The main areas of Professor Gandy’s research are in statistics. In particular, he is working on computational methods, event history analysis, financial statistics and methodological statistics. He has also contributed to influential research in epidemiology and is a member of the College COVID-19 Response Team and a member of the SPI-M subgroup of SAGE.