New year, new strategy!

I thought I had better write something on our brand new ICT blog, as the default message is…

… leaving that up is like the WordPress Blog equivalent to ‘Computer says no!” and we have a bad enough rep as it is! 😉

2022 has finally arrived, and we have a new years resolution in the guise of a new ICT strategy and roadmap to work towards making some exciting improvements to ensure:

  • A seamless, digital student journey
  • The best tools and systems
  • Robust and reliable technology
  • Delighted customers placed at the heart of the services
  • Confidence in cyber security
  • The best technology talent

But how did we come up with all that lot?

Peter Brown showing his post it note workIn summer 21 we set up some ICT Tech Days for all our 250 staff to attend (Hybrid mode of course!)

When I heard we were going to be attending workshops to strategise for the next 5 years, I thought great – I love a post it note session! But when I found out it was every day for a week, I thought blimey that is a lot of post it notes!

The strategy workshops were broken down in to daily sessions for each Functional Area where we looked at their current ‘playbooks’ and what our teams are working to achieve, we then did the obligatory post it note exercise to identify your needs as a customer, looking at your pain points, and mapping out the potential gains, and many, many mor exercises!

We determined steps to plan out ‘what great looks like’ and feed this in to a long term strategy and roadmap.

The days were long and lots of coffee was drunk, but the outcomes were totally worth it – as we now have a really clear direction of travel and we are all pulling in the same direction as a team, and we have new ways of working with you – our clientele.

Our teams 7 days culminated in a social distanced gathering (Not party!)

Staff DJ'ing at the party

Stick with us through this blog to see how we are delighting you and providing a first class service.