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Vice-Dean (Research), Faculty of Engineering

Professor Julie McCann has accepted appointment as Vice-Dean (Research) for the Faculty of Engineering with effect from 1 October 2022, for a term of office of five years. Professor McCann is currently Interim Vice-Dean (Research), a role she has held since 1 October 2021.  

Professor McCann joined the College in 2001 as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computing. She was promoted to Professor of Computer Systems in 2014.  

Professor McCann will continue in her roles as Faculty Ambassador for Academic Women, Deputy Director of the UK Petras Centre for Excellence for Internet of Things Systems Cybersecurity, and theme lead for Data Centric Engineering at the Alan Turing Institute.

Professor McCann’s research interests include the behaviours and optimisation of Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems. She was awarded the RCUK Suffrage Science Award for Maths and Computing in 2018. 


Professor Richard Jardine, Senior Consul (until 31 August 2022), Professor of Geomechanics in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, has been elected as Proconsul for the period 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2025. 

Professor Dorian Haskard, Consul for the Faculty of Medicine (until 31 August 2022), Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Rheumatology in the National Heart and Lung Institute, Faculty of Medicine, has been elected as Proconsul for the period 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2025. 

Professor Terry Tetley, Professor of Lung Cell Biology in the National Heart and Lung Institute, Faculty of Medicine, has accepted an extension to her term as Proconsul until 31 August 2023. 

Professor Xiao Yun Xu, Professor of Biofluid Mechanics in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, and Director of the Graduate School, has accepted an extension to her term as Proconsul until 31 August 2023. 

The full list of Consuls and Proconsuls for 2022-2023 is set out below:

Senior Consul and Consuls

  • Professor Jonathan Mestel: Senior Consul  
  • Professor Ann Muggeridge: Faculty of Engineering and the Business School  
  • Professor Alessandro Astolfi: Faculty of Engineering and the Business School  
  • Professor David Evans: Faculty of Natural Sciences and cross College organisations 
  • Professor Martin McCall: Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Education Office  
  • Professor Miriam Moffatt: Faculty of Medicine  
  • Professor Liz Lightstone: Faculty of Medicine (Clinical)


  • Professor Richard Jardine  
  • Professor Peter Openshaw  
  • Professor Terry Tetley  
  • Professor Xiao Yun Xu  
  • Professor Dorian Haskard.

Co-Director of the Institute of Infection

Professor Faith Osier has accepted appointment as Co-Director of the Institute of Infection, with effect from 1 June 2022 for a period of 5 years. Professor Osier will also be Chair in Malaria Immunology and Vaccinology in the Department of Life Sciences. 

As Co-Director, alongside existing Co-Director Professor Charles Bangham, Professor Osier will lead on implementing the Institute’s long-term strategic vision to build and enable interdisciplinary research programmes and activities to tackle emerging and longstanding issues in infectious diseases. 

Professor Osier is currently the Executive Director of the IAVI (International AIDS Vaccine Initiative) Human Immunology Laboratory, located within the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, and Principal Research Fellow in Imperial’s Faculty of Medicine. She is also Visiting Professor of Malaria Immunology at the University of Oxford and serves as the President of the International Union of Immunological Societies. 

Professor Osier’s research aims to make malaria history through the development of highly effective vaccines. It builds on the observation that humans can acquire immunity to malaria and that the passive transfer of malaria-specific immunoglobulins is curative. Her teams dissect the molecular characteristics of the protective immune response against malaria in population studies in Africa and using the controlled human malaria infection platform. 

You can read more about Professor Osier in our news story. 

Director of Legal and Regulatory Services 

Bridget Edminson has accepted appointment as Director of Legal and Regulatory Services, with effect from 1 September 2022.

Reporting to the College Secretary and General Counsel, in this role Bridget will lead the team which advises on all legal matters for the College including those covering commercial contracts, corporate and finance, dispute resolution, intellectual property, information technology, charity, and employment law as well as law and regulation specific to the Higher Education sector.

Bridget will join the College from the University of Sussex, where she is currently General Counsel and Director of Governance and Compliance. In this role she has established a central legal function and has assumed responsibility for a range of institutional compliance functions. She also led the university’s COVID-19 response, which received two Higher Education Business Continuity awards, and the university’s response to the UUK Guidelines on Security-related Risks in Internationalisation.

Prior to joining the University of Sussex, Bridget spent 18 years in the Government Legal Service. She worked at the UK Ministry of Defence for 14 years, most recently as Head of the General Law Team. Bridget completed her bachelor’s degree at LSE, followed by an MA at King’s College London, and her Bar Vocational Course at the Inns of Court School of Law; she was called to the Bar in 1997.

Associate Provost (Estates Planning)

Professor Martyn Boutelle has accepted appointment as Associate Provost (Estates Planning), a part-time (0.5 FTE) role, with effect from 1 April 2022 for a term of five years. Professor Boutelle succeeds Professor Neil Alford, who will continue in his role for another three months to facilitate a handover period. 

Reporting to the Provost, Professor Boutelle will lead in defining, developing and overseeing implementation of an Estates Strategy for the College, across all campuses. He will be a member of the President’s and Provost’s Boards, chair the Estates Strategy Group (a sub-committee of President’s Board), and will be a member of the Property Committee (a committee of Council). Given the significant property portfolio at the White City Campus, in which he will play a central role, Professor Boutelle will also be a Board member of Thinkspace and Scale Space. Professor Boutelle will work especially closely with the Vice-Provost (Education and Student Experience), the Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise) and the Faculty Deans, as well as the Associate Provost (Academic Partnerships).  

Professor Boutelle joined Imperial in 2004 as Reader in Biomedical Sensor Engineering in the Department of Bioengineering and was promoted to Professor of Biomedical Sensors Engineering in 2011. He is currently one of the Consuls for the Faculty of Engineering and the Business School, and his term as Consul ends this summer. Professor Boutelle has held many senior roles in the Department of Bioengineering, including Deputy Head of Department, Director of Courses, and Senior Tutor. 

Professor Boutelle’s research focuses on using techniques which combine electrochemical biosensors in novel microfluidic devices with other real-time measurements of tissue state such as tissue oxygen, electrophysiological activity and local blood flow to give a multimodal data stream to support clinical decision making. 

Head of the Department of Aeronautics

Professor Spencer Sherwin has accepted appointment as Head of the Department of Aeronautics with effect from 1 October 2022, for a period of three years, in succession to Professor Paul Robinson. 

Professor Sherwin joined Imperial in 1995 as Lecturer in the Department of Aeronautics and was promoted to Professor of Computational Fluid Mechanics in 2005. He is currently the Director of the Research Computing Service on a fixed-term basis which ends in September 2022.  

Professor Sherwin’s research focuses on the development and application of parallel spectral/hp element methods for solving partial differential equations. Through open source software his group performs direct numerical simulation, implicit large eddy simulation and stability analysis on a range of problems of relevance to aeronautics, biomedical flows, offshore engineering and vehicle aerodynamics. 

Senior Consul

Professor Jonathan Mestel, Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics, has been elected as Senior Consul for the period 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2023, to succeed Professor Richard Jardine. 

Professor Mestel is currently the Staff Representative on Council and a Proconsul. He will stand down as Proconsul once he takes up the role of Senior Consul. He had previously served as College Consul for the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Education Office. 

The full list of Consuls for 2022-2023 is set out below:  

  • Senior Consul: Professor Jonathan Mestel 
  • Faculty of Engineering and the Business School: Professor Ann Muggeridge  
  • Faculty of Engineering and the Business School: Professor Alessandro Astolfi 
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences and cross College organisations: Professor David Evans 
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Education Office: Professor Martin McCall 
  • Faculty of Medicine: Professor Miriam Moffatt 
  • Faculty of Medicine: Professor Liz Lightstone