Tag: Ask Me Anything

OneNote for Windows 10 – RETIRING October 2025

On 14 October 2025, Microsoft will retire the OneNote for Windows 10 app.

From this date you will NOT be able to use the OneNote for Windows 10 app and you must use the OneNote app included with Office 365 installs, or downloaded direct from Microsoft via https://www.onenote.com/Download


Why is this happening?

Enhanced Security – the desktop app for OneNote supports a number of improved security functions including the ability to use sensitivity labels. Whilst this is not currently in use in Imperial, it might be utilised in the future.

New Features and AI power – The OneNote desktop app has a development cycle which will continue Microsoft’s investment in feature and AI development.

Improved Performance and Support – the OneNote for Windows 10 app no longer receives security or feature updates. This can lead to potential performance and security issues. As such we strongly recommend that you update to using the OneNote desktop app and cease using the OneNote for Windows 10 app AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Faster Sync and Collaboration – From June 2025, Microsoft have announced that the OneNote for Windows 10 app will have much slower sync and collaboration capabilities when compared with the OneNote desktop app.

Uninterrupted Experience – Users of the OneNote for Windows 10 app will, from July 2025, see banner notifications about the forthcoming retirement. These notifications may interrupt your workflows, so plan ahead and make the move to OneNote desktop NOW.


How do I move to the OneNote desktop app?

Ensure that you have the app installed. Follow the download link (https://www.onenote.com/Download) or go to the Start button, click to see all apps and look for OneNote and NOT the “OneNote for Windows 10” in the start menu.

Open your notebook online from https://portal.office.com (log in with your username@ic.ac.uk). The choose to edit in OneNote and when prompted open the OneNote app and note the one for Windows 10.


I need help.

Contact the Imperial ICT Service Desk via this link (https://www.imperial.ac.uk/admin-services/ict/contact-ict-service-desk/), detailing your issue and requesting assistance in moving away from OneNote for Windows 10.

Attend an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session as detailed at Microsoft 365 Ask Me Anything sessions – 2024 / 25 – Office 365 News and Updates.

Microsoft 365 Ask Me Anything sessions – 2024 / 25

We’re back for the 2024 / 25 Academic Year!

Based on feedback at the end of the last series we are continuing to run these, on the second Tuesday at 10.00 and the fourth Tuesday at 09:00, each month.

How do I join the sessions?

We’re making it simpler to get signed up for these sessions / add them to your calendar this year.  For those who have already become members of the site (signed up last year), we have sent the invitations to you directly.


For those who haven’t signed up before, please follow the instructions below.


  1. Head over to The Microsoft 365 Ask Me Anything Pages at https://imperiallondon.sharepoint.com/sites/M365AMAPages
  2. On the home page, scroll down until you see the “Ask Me Anything Sessions – 2024 / 25” section.
  3. The section will display a message about the group being deleted – it hasn’t (it’s a SharePoint quirk!).  Click on the link “The Microsoft Ask Me Anything Pages” to join the membership group …
    Screenshot showing the message about the group being deleted.
    Initial “deleted group” message

    You will be automatically added to the group and see a page as follows …

    Screenshot showing successful joining of the group
    Successful joining of the group
  4. Now close the tab with the “You’ve joined this group” message and refresh the SharePoint page.  You will then see the upcoming sessions.
  5. Click on the title for a session and then in the window click on “Add event to your calendar” and choose whether you want to add the single occurrence or the series.
    Screenshot showing how to add the event to your calendar
    How to add the occurrence or series to your calendar
  6. If you add the series then you need to just go to one entry for each series (2nd Tuesday vs 4th Tuesday) and add that series.
  7. You will get an ICS file downloaded which will either be for the single date or the session depending on your choice in step 3.
  8. Open the ICS file that has downloaded and accept the invitation to add the event or series into your calendar. Repeat for the second series or for as many sessions as you wish to join individually!


Once you’ve done that check your calendar for the entries to the meeting including the join link for Teams.


We look forward to welcoming you in October 2024.

Ask Me Anything Sessions for the 2023 / 24 Academic Year

After the finish of the 2022 / 23 Ask Me Anything sessions, we wanted to let you know that we will be back for the 2023 / 24 Academic Year.

Following on from the polls run during July 2023, we are continuing to run these, on the second Tuesday at 10.00 and the fourth Tuesday at 09:00, each month.

How do I join the sessions?

We’re making it simpler to get signed up for these sessions / add them to your calendar this year.


  1. Head over to The Microsoft 365 Ask Me Anything Pages at https://imperiallondon.sharepoint.com/sites/M365AMAPages

  2. On the home page, scroll down until you see the “Ask Me Anything Sessions – 2023 / 24” section.

  3. The section will display a message about the group being deleted – it hasn’t (it’s a SharePoint quirk!).  Click on the link “The Microsoft Ask Me Anything Pages” to join the membership group …

    Screenshot showing the message about the group being deleted.
    Initial “deleted group” message

    You will be automatically added to the group and see a page as follows …

    Screenshot showing successful joining of the group
    Successful joining of the group

  4. Now close the tab with the “You’ve joined this group” message and refresh the SharePoint page.  You will then see the next 6 upcoming sessions.

  5. Click on the title for a session and then in the window click on “Add event to your calendar” and choose whether you want to add the single occurrence or the series.

    Screenshot showing how to add the event to your calendar
    How to add the occurrence or series to your calendar

  6. If you add the series then you need to just go to one entry for each series (2nd Tuesday vs 4th Tuesday) and add that series.

  7. You will get an ICS file downloaded which will either be for the single date or the session depending on your choice in step 3.

  8. Open the ICS file that has downloaded and accept the invitation to add the event or series into your calendar. Repeat for the second series or for as many sessions as you wish to join individually!


Once you’ve done that check your calendar for the entries to the meeting including the join link for Teams.


We look forward to welcoming you in September 2023 and, in the meantime, you can check out recordings from some of the sessions run during 2022 / 23 on the same pages.  See Recordings by Subject Area (sharepoint.com) for a listing of recordings by subject area covered.

Office 365 Ask Me Anything (Well Almost) – 2022 / 23


We’re pleased to announce our new season of Office 365 Ask Me Anything sessions for the Academic Year 2022 / 23.


These will start on Tuesday 13 September 2022 at 10am and then be held on 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10am and on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 9am.

We’re varying the times a little as we know it’s not always convenient to make a 9am or a 10am slot.

We also know there are some clashes so we’ll try to move things for obvious clashes of date.


Online using Microsoft Teams


These sessions are open to all staff to join, listen, watch and ask questions about components of Office 365.

More Info

Whether you want to know about Teams Meetings or Webinars, new functionality being introduced or how to do something clever in Power Automate come along and find out more.

Some sessions will have a particular focus while others will be completely open.


Sign up by completing the online form.  We’ll then add you to the sessions.


Microsoft 365 “Ask Me Anything” Sessions – 2021 – 2022

Ask Me Anything Microsoft 365 Related Icon


Following the success of the “Ask Me Anything” sessions during the 2020 / 21 Academic Year, I have scheduled a new series for 2021 / 22.


The sessions will follow a similar pattern to this year, running every other Tuesday morning, but with a 9am start time.


As previously, the sessions will be a mix of open question days and some app / subject area focus.


To add the series to your calendar, click here, download and open the ICS file and accept the invitation.  By adding this to your calendar you will get any date / time updates and any session specific subject updates as and when these are added.  N.B.  This link will only work for Imperial College London users signed in to Office 365.