Blog posts

OneNote for Windows 10 – RETIRING October 2025

On 14 October 2025, Microsoft will retire the OneNote for Windows 10 app.

From this date you will NOT be able to use the OneNote for Windows 10 app and you must use the OneNote app included with Office 365 installs, or downloaded direct from Microsoft via


Why is this happening?

Enhanced Security – the desktop app for OneNote supports a number of improved security functions including the ability to use sensitivity labels. Whilst this is not currently in use in Imperial, it might be utilised in the future.

New Features and AI power – The OneNote desktop app has a development cycle which will continue Microsoft’s investment in feature and AI development.

Improved Performance and Support – the OneNote for Windows 10 app no longer receives security or feature updates. This can lead to potential performance and security issues. As such we strongly recommend that you update to using the OneNote desktop app and cease using the OneNote for Windows 10 app AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Faster Sync and Collaboration – From June 2025, Microsoft have announced that the OneNote for Windows 10 app will have much slower sync and collaboration capabilities when compared with the OneNote desktop app.

Uninterrupted Experience – Users of the OneNote for Windows 10 app will, from July 2025, see banner notifications about the forthcoming retirement. These notifications may interrupt your workflows, so plan ahead and make the move to OneNote desktop NOW.


How do I move to the OneNote desktop app?

Ensure that you have the app installed. Follow the download link ( or go to the Start button, click to see all apps and look for OneNote and NOT the “OneNote for Windows 10” in the start menu.

Open your notebook online from (log in with your The choose to edit in OneNote and when prompted open the OneNote app and note the one for Windows 10.


I need help.

Contact the Imperial ICT Service Desk via this link (, detailing your issue and requesting assistance in moving away from OneNote for Windows 10.

Attend an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session as detailed at Microsoft 365 Ask Me Anything sessions – 2024 / 25 – Office 365 News and Updates.

Microsoft 365 Ask Me Anything sessions – 2024 / 25

We’re back for the 2024 / 25 Academic Year!

Based on feedback at the end of the last series we are continuing to run these, on the second Tuesday at 10.00 and the fourth Tuesday at 09:00, each month.

How do I join the sessions?

We’re making it simpler to get signed up for these sessions / add them to your calendar this year.  For those who have already become members of the site (signed up last year), we have sent the invitations to you directly.


For those who haven’t signed up before, please follow the instructions below.


  1. Head over to The Microsoft 365 Ask Me Anything Pages at
  2. On the home page, scroll down until you see the “Ask Me Anything Sessions – 2024 / 25” section.
  3. The section will display a message about the group being deleted – it hasn’t (it’s a SharePoint quirk!).  Click on the link “The Microsoft Ask Me Anything Pages” to join the membership group …
    Screenshot showing the message about the group being deleted.
    Initial “deleted group” message

    You will be automatically added to the group and see a page as follows …

    Screenshot showing successful joining of the group
    Successful joining of the group
  4. Now close the tab with the “You’ve joined this group” message and refresh the SharePoint page.  You will then see the upcoming sessions.
  5. Click on the title for a session and then in the window click on “Add event to your calendar” and choose whether you want to add the single occurrence or the series.
    Screenshot showing how to add the event to your calendar
    How to add the occurrence or series to your calendar
  6. If you add the series then you need to just go to one entry for each series (2nd Tuesday vs 4th Tuesday) and add that series.
  7. You will get an ICS file downloaded which will either be for the single date or the session depending on your choice in step 3.
  8. Open the ICS file that has downloaded and accept the invitation to add the event or series into your calendar. Repeat for the second series or for as many sessions as you wish to join individually!


Once you’ve done that check your calendar for the entries to the meeting including the join link for Teams.


We look forward to welcoming you in October 2024.

Coloured Folders in OneDrive for Business

In mid 2023, Microsoft introduced the option to choose colours for folders in OneDrive for Business on the web.

Microsoft is bringing coloured folders to OneDrive within the Microsoft Windows File Explorer starting in mid-September 2024 and scheduled to finish by mid-October 2024.

If you have used coloured folders on the web version of OneDrive then these will be replicated in the OneDrive in your Windows File Explorer.

Once the change happens, you can also update and manage the colour for folders in your OneDrive from within the File Explorer.

Screenshot showing the menu to change folder colours in OneDrive within the Windows File Explorer
Manage Folder Colours from Windows File Explorer

Microsoft 365 Updates – Summer 2024

This blog article rounds up a number of recently announced or released updates during the Summer of 2024.


Teams Breakout Rooms – choose your room

Planned for release by late October – Meeting Organisers using Breakout Rooms will be able to choose whether participants are assigned to specific breakout rooms in advance or whether they can choose which breakout room to join.  This will prove useful for meeting participants where organisers wish to allow participants a choice.

Meeting organisers should look for the new feature in the breakout rooms panel when setting up the breakout rooms.


Screenshot showing organiser view of breakout rooms and how to set to allow attendees to choose the room they join
Organiser view of breakout room setup for attendee choice


Screenshot of attendee experience when breakout room choice is available
Attendee view of breakout room choice

Available late October 2024


OneNote for Windows 10

As previously advised, Microsoft are ending support for the OneNote for Windows 10 application at the end of October 2025.

You are recommended to use the OneNote Windows application which is bundled with the Office 365 download.

OneNote for Windows now supports the option to move the navigation bar to the left side of the app providing a consistent navigation experience across all OneNote apps.


Support ends October 2025


Microsoft Teams – Rename the General channel

From mid-September 2024, Team owners will be able to rename the General channel to something more meaningful for their team.

If you rename the General channel you cannot rename it back to General at a later date.

When changed the channel will appear in alphabetical order amongst any other channels created.

The renamed channel cannot be archived or deleted.


Available mid September 2024


Microsoft Teams – New skin tone settings and reactions

From late October 2024, new skin tone settings will be enabled to allow users to choose a preferred skin tone for relevant emojis and reactions across chats, channels and meetings on all Teams platforms (Teams for Desktop, Teams for web, Teams for Mac and Teams Mobile).


Screenshot showing how to set the skintone within the Settings in MS Teams
Set your skintone via the settings in MS Teams


Screenshot showing how to set skintone within the emojis element of Teams reactions
Set skintone via the emojis element in MS Teams reactions


Available late October 2024


Microsoft Teams – Notify when available

You can now get notified when a colleague’s status changes to available.

You can subscribe to the notifications by doing the following

Right click (or tap on the “…”) on a person in the chat list view and choose “Notify when available”

Screenshot showing how to set the "notify when available" option in MS Teams.
How to set “Notify when available”


Available now


MS Teams – Calendar Notifications

You will now see calendar notifications in Teams through the Activity Feed.  You will also be able to accept or reject calendar invitations through this activity feed view.

You can change this through the “Notifications and activity” section of Teams settings.

This is one by default in your activity feed.

Screenshot showing how to edit the calendar notifications in the activity feed
How to change the calendar notifications for the Activity Feed

Available now


MS Teams – Emojis, GIFs and Stickers in One Picker

Microsoft have simplified the selection of emojis, gifs and stickers, bringing all elements into one unified picker in MS Teams.

Screenshot showing the simplified emjoi, GIF and sticker picker now available in MS Teams
Screenshot of the simplified emjoi, GIF and sticker picker.


Available now

Microsoft Teams – Town Hall and Webinar events

Town Hall events – available NOW

In place of Live Events (which have now been deprecated in Imperial), Microsoft are providing a new feature called Town Halls.  This offers many of the features that were available in Live Events, such as anonymous audience viewing and a moderated Q and A using the Teams Q and A feature which has evolved and is available more generally across Teams meetings.

In addition, Microsoft have added a feature to Town Halls which allows additional presenters on the screen – so it is much easier to hold Q and A sessions with multiple presenters at the same time or for multiple speakers to appear on screen together.

To request access to schedule a Town Hall event, you will need to complete a new Town Hall request form. Please only complete this form ( to request Town Hall capabilities if you need to deliver a large-audience meeting with anonymous, unseen audiences.

Webinars – Available NOW

If you want to run a webinar, which is more like a normal Teams meeting but with greater audience control and with a registration form, then please complete the Webinar request form at

Teams Premium License – Available NOW

We recommend purchasing a Teams Premium license through ICT to gain full functionality, including the advanced features in Town Halls and Webinars.

Teams Premium licenses enable all the registration and communications features in Town Halls and Webinars, and in Webinars, allow for the restriction of numbers and the ability to run a “wait list”.

In addition Teams Premium licenses offer AI meeting notes and tasks features in normal Teams Meetings.

To request a Teams Premium license (which costs £20 + VAT per user per licensing year (01/11 – 31/10) or part thereof) please complete the form on the ICT Service Desk pages (

One Drive for Business – what’s using my space?

One Drive for Business is a great feature included in your Microsoft 365 work subscription. There are however some pitfalls which occupy space that you may not be aware of.

The biggest of these is also one of the collaborative features – versioning of Office files.

When you create a file and store it on One Drive for Business you enable versioning by default. So you can update a file and it automatically creates a new version – you don’t need to save it as V1, V2, etc.

The changes are saved using a shredded saving method whereby changes are saved in small files, BUT as far as your quota and space use are concerned, Microsoft count every version as a full copy of the file.

So if you have a 10 MB Word file and have 100 versions of the file then you are deemed to be occupying approximately 1GB of space.

You may not need all those versions but all the time that you keep them they occupy space and that can mean you use up your One Drive space quite quickly.

The following shows you how to check your usage and how to remove unwanted versions of the file(s).


Checking your space.


Log into One Drive for Business and then from the Settings cog wheel (top right near your profile initials or photo) select One Drive Settings.

Accessing OneDrive for Business Site settings
Access OneDrive settings

Choose the More settings option and then look for the Storage Metrics option.

Accessing the settings
List of settings

Your One Drive contains other contents to make the system work, so you’ll need to select “Documents” which is the Documents library where your files are stored.

Viewing the storage metrics for the documents in your OneDrive
OneDrive documents

The Storage metrics view shows you the folders and files with the storage used, working from largest to smallest as you traverse down the list.

Viewing an unexpectedly large file
Finding the large files using your space

Where you see a large file, you can click on the Version History link to check for versions.

Viewing the version history
Viewing the version history

In the example below, my spreadsheet file has over 3,500 versions of a 1.7MB file.  With a default of 500 versions being stored, over 700 MB of space is being used.

Deleting all versions and the warning before completing this step
Using Delete All Versions and the warning message

You can click on the “Delete All Versions” link to remove all except the current version. The deleted versions are moved to the Recycle Bin and you have 90 days to recover these. You can choose to permanently delete these versions from the recycle bin but you should be aware that this is NOT reversible. Once removed from the Recycle Bin you cannot recover them.

Showing the updated file after removing versions
File size reduction after removing versions


Why so many versions?


The default number of versions for One Drive and SharePoint is 500. You can go into your One Drive settings and change the number of versions (N.B. the minimum number of versions that you can store is 100).

To change the number of versions follow the steps from the One Drive Settings menu – choose “Return to old Site settings Menu”

Then choose Site libraries and lists.

Accessing the site libraries and lists settings
Access site libraries and lists settings

Choose the Documents site library.

Choosing which library to customise
Choosing the document library to customise settings

Choose Versioning settings

Finding the Versioning settings
Choosing the Versioning settings

Change the maximum number of versions and click OK.

Showing how to update the number of versions kept
Update the number of versions being kept

Note that the number you set has to be between 100 and 50000!

Error if incorrect number of versions chosen
Choose a valid number of versions to keep

Be very careful about increasing the number – you will potentially use up ever more space.

If you have files where the number of versions exceeds your current setting then when you next save a file with more versions, the system will automatically reduce the number of versions to the maximum number that you have set.

Outlook and Teams – New Meeting Response

Do you get invited to meetings which you can’t attend due to meeting clashes or a leave of absence, but where you want to know what happens and the decisions taken?


What is being introduced and When?

From late May 2024, Microsoft is introducing a new “Follow” response for meeting invitations.

Screenshot showing the "Follow" button as a valid response
Screenshot of the “Follow” button in a meeting invitation.

What happens?

Using the “Follow” button will let the meeting organiser know that you cannot attend the meeting but that you are interested in the details.

Screenshot showing Follow response in Organisers mailbox
Follow response returned to the meeting organiser

The organiser will be prompted about recording or transcribing the meeting. 

If this is done and the organiser has the Teams Premium license (Microsoft Teams Premium licenses – Office 365 News and Updates ( then a set of AI meeting notes will be delivered in the recap tab of the meeting making it easy for those who are following to catch up after the meeting happens.

M365 Updates for April and May 2024

A number of updates and changes have been published by Microsoft over the recent weeks. This blog post provides brief details about the ones that are most impactful for members of Imperial’s community.


Calendar Notifications in Teams Activity Feed

You can now get the Calendar Notifications in Teams from the Activity Feed. 

You will get calendar notifications in the Activity Feed for the following scenarios:

Meeting invite (including channel meetings you are explicitly invited to)
Meeting updates
Meeting cancellations
Meeting forwards (as an organizer)

When you get a calendar notification, you will see an unread notification in the Activity Feed pane or at the bell icon.

When you click on a notification, you will see the details of the meeting / event in the right pane.

Tags in Teams Private Channels

If you use tags within a team to associate groups of users, you can now use these tags for @ mentions inside Private channels.


Changes to the Website Tab in Teams

Microsoft Teams will be retiring the ability to load websites inside the new Teams client when using the Website tab. These website links will open in a new browser tab instead. This is to better align with emerging best practices in web security and privacy while also improving the reliability of websites opened through this feature.

Education tenants will be subject to this change but not before July 2024.

At the current time you are urged to plan for this forthcoming change which may not take effect until after summer 2024.


More videos visible in Teams meetings in Chrome and Edge

Microsoft Teams Meetings currently supports a maximum of 4 videos (2×2) on the screen by default (i.e., Gallery view) on web browsers.

With this update, users will be able to automatically see up to 9 videos (3×3) on Chrome and Edge on their screen by default without any additional explicit action.


Emojis, Gifs and Stickers in one unified “picker”

Users can soon find all of their emojis, GIFs, and stickers in a combined picker in Microsoft Teams.  This simplifies the experience and will be available by early May 2024 at the latest.


Hide the “general” channel in Teams

Similar to other channels in a team, now you will be able to hide general channels as well!  As a team member, when you become a part of a team, you see general channel always shown in your teams and channels list.  From April 2024 you will have the option to hide this channel from the list of channels that you see in your default Teams view.


Intelligent recap on iOS and Android

For users with a Teams Premium License ( Intelligent recap is now available in iOS and Android versions of Teams.  Meetings recorded or transcribed and where the organiser has a Teams Premium license will now be delivered with the AI generated meeting notes and actions in the same way as when recorded from a desktop device.


Planner App in Teams

The new Planner App is now available for use in Microsoft Teams.  Previously known as “Tasks by To-Do and Planner”, the new Planner App builds on the new releases of functionality in Planner and the new Planner Premium features.

Microsoft assure us that Planner Premium licenses will be available for Education tenants such as ours to purchase in due course.  If you wish to use Planner Premium features immediately then you should contact the Service Desk to purchase a Microsoft Project Plan 3 (Project Pro) license as this enables Planner Premium features today.

The new Planner was made generally available in mid April 2024 and more information about the released features and forthcoming features can be found at Microsoft’s announcement (The new Microsoft Planner begins roll out to General Availability – Page 2 – Microsoft Community Hub).  The new Planner is available within Imperial’s Microsoft 365 tenant.

Recordings and where they save on OneDrive

Teams meeting recordings will be saved into the Organiser’s OneDrive for Business instead of the person who initiated the recording. Microsoft is making this change for governance and compliance purposes and to ensure a simple and understandable policy for where the recording is stored.

The change will be made by the end of May 2024.  After that time all Teams meeting recordings will be stored in the OneDrive for Business of the account that organises the meeting.

Shorter Teams Meeting URLs

Microsoft are changing the format of the URLs for Teams meetings, removing some information and thus reducing the length of the URL.  This will make it easier to copy and paste meeting URLs into meetings or chats for quick access.

The change will be rolled out between mid May and late June 2024.

Teams for Web – Safari and Firefox

Up until April 2024 New Teams has only worked in the Chrome and Edge web browsers on Windows, macOS and Linux.  

With immediate effect, New Teams for Web on Firefox is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux. New Teams for Web on Safari is now available now on macOS


Media node in OneDrive for Business

Microsoft will be adding a Media node to the left navigation bar of Microsoft OneDrive for web that will allow customers to easily find all the photo and video content stored in their OneDrive in a single view.

When an end user navigates to the Media node, they will see a view of all the photo and video content stored within their OneDrive. 

This content will be sorted by the date the content was created.  The files shown in this view are the same files stored in the user’s OneDrive and the Media node does not create separate copies of the content.

End users will be able to perform actions on the media content in this view such as Share, Download, or Delete. These actions will behave the same way in the Media node as they do in the My Files node.

Screenshot showing the new media node in OneDrive
Media node in OneDrive

This feature should be visible by mid May 2024.


Loop components in OneNote

You can create or insert Loop components into your Microsoft OneNote notebook.

Screenshot showing a Loop component within OneNote for the Web
Loop component in OneNote for Web

With Loop components in OneNote, users can:

  • Enhance Collaboration
  • Bringing unstructured, collaborative content from Loop components in Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Outlook into OneNote notebooks, fostering real-time collaboration and sharing.
  • Improve Productivity: Quickly augment and recall collaborative notes within the familiar workflow of OneNote, enabling tasks to be completed more efficiently.
Screenshot showing how to insert loop components into OneNote for Web
How to Insert Loop components into OneNote for Web

Additional information:

You can find out more about Loop at Microsoft’s Loop introduction pages (Get started with Microsoft Loop – Microsoft Support)


Whiteboard – using @mentions in comments

When using Microsoft Whiteboard, users will be able to @mention other users within their tenant inside of a comment.

The flow will look and feel similar to other Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

The user will type an @ symbol followed by the name of the user they would like to @mention in the text of a comment.

If the @mentioned user is not actively using Whiteboard then they will be sent a notification via email and via the Microsoft Outlook notification bell.  Inside of Whiteboard, the @mentioned user will see a blue @mention badge on the comment in which they are mentioned.

Additional things to note:

Users will be shown a teaching callout within Whiteboard to inform them of the new @mention feature.
Similar to the blue @mention badge, users will see a new red badge on comments that will display the number of replies in that comment thread that they have yet to read.

This feature is planned to be available by late May 2024.

Microsoft Teams Premium licenses

The availability of third-party tools for Meeting AI capabilities, such as Meeting Notes, Actions, etc., has been rapidly rising.

Unfortunately, these AI systems are beyond Imperial’s reach or trust at the present time – see Imperial’s AI and Education Guidance Hub pages (  Additionally, licensing such capabilities is expensive and may expose college data to use in the training of future AI models such as ChatGPT, etc.

Staff who wish to use meeting AI can now request a Teams Premium license through ICT.

The Teams Premium license costs £20 + VAT per user per year (or part thereof).

What’s in the Teams Premium license?

Teams Premium licenses deliver intelligent meeting recaps, live translations, and advanced event capabilities.

Meeting AI—If you record or transcribe a meeting, the AI will generate a meeting summary and a list of actions recorded during the meeting.

Live Caption translation—A Teams Premium license allows meeting attendees to choose the language into which the captions they view are translated. There is a list of 40 current languages, with more being added constantly.

Advanced Event experiences—If you are a webinar or Town Hall user, the Teams Premium license will add additional functionality to these event offerings.

You can find out more about these features at Microsoft’s Learn site for Teams Premium (

How do I request a Teams Premium License?

You can order Teams Premium licenses by completing the request form at

Once checked, the cost will be charged to your nominated cost code, and the license will be provisioned against your account.

N.B. Teams Premium can only be provided for users with an A3 or A5 license – please validate your license eligibility by going to the photo profile or initials in your Office 365 pages (, then clicking on view account and choosing the subscriptions element. When viewing your subscriptions, you must check that you have either “Microsoft 365 A5 for faculty” or “Microsoft 365 A3 for faculty” applied to your account.

M365 Updates for March ’24 and beyond!

Microsoft have recently announced a slew of updates and feature changes for Microsoft 365 and Teams.  We’ve distilled down these changes to give you a quick summary of the updates that you’ll be seeing over the coming weeks.


Using your personal account in New Teams


Starting in April 2024 and rolling out gradually, the new Microsoft Teams desktop app on Windows and Mac will let you use any type of Teams account (work, school, or personal).


Meeting Recap


Launching in April 2024, shortly after a meeting ends, a recap message will appear in the meeting chat with links to the meeting recap page and meeting artifacts such as the transcript, the recording, any files shared in the meeting, and the meeting Collaborative notes and Whiteboard (if used).


New Planner App in Teams


The old Tasks by Planner and To Do app within Teams is being replaced during late March and early April. The new app will be called Planner and will bring together tasks from To Do (your personal productivity list), Planner (your groups tasks) and Project (if you have Project), allowing you to see all your work and personal tasks in one space.


Teams Calendar Meeting Notifications


By the end of April 2024, when you receive an invitation or an update to a meeting, a notification will be added tot he notifications area in teams giving real time notifications of new meetings, updates and changes.

If you schedule a new meeting in a Teams channel, then you can now choose to alert all the members and add it to their calendar. This should mean that team members no longer miss out on channel scheduled meetings.


Teams Meetings in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge


If you are using a web browser to join a meeting then from the beginning of March you will be able to view an enhanced gallery of up to 9 videos on the screen instead of the previous 4. You need take no action to see this updated view.


Viva Engage – Create or Reply to a Post using email


The ability to create a new post or reply to an existing post directly using email will be retired from Viva Engage starting on March 31st, 2024.


To Do App on iOS


If you use the To Do app on an iPhone or iPad device, the new version has a minimum iOS version requirement of iOS 15.

Minimum versions for iOS and Android OS ensure security and bug fixes are optimised.


Retirement of MS Publisher – October 2026


In October 2026, Microsoft Publisher will reach its end of life. After that time, it will no longer be included in Microsoft 365 and existing on-premises suites will no longer be supported. Until then, support for Publisher will continue and users can expect the same experience as today.


New App Launcher in Microsoft 365


The new App Launcher experience will be rolling out between April and June 2024.

The new launcher should bring improvements in access to apps and ease of access to recent files too.

Picture showing the changes from the old launcher to the new launcher in Microsoft 365
Old vs New launcher