A New Term

I must start by first apologising for the lack of posts recently, I will promise to try and do better this term.

I had a great Christmas and managed to spend most of it on a beach free from the stresses of life at Imperial. Having exams before the holidays has one obvious advantage – for the first time I was actually able to have a proper break from University and come back re-energised for another term.

I felt that last term was a real scramble, with job applications, interviews, assignments and revision all piling up. But fear not, second term has been much more relaxed with fewer contact hours (3 modules compared to 4 in first term) and  job-related pressures.

For the first time since joining Imperial I have had the ability to explore South Kensington and take advantage of living in such a great city. Earlier this week I visited the V&A, a building I walk past everyday but have never had the time to actually go inside, and explored the ‘Lights of the Middle East’ exhibition. Not only are there three London museums on our doorstep but they are all free! I would really recommend them to all Imperial students.

In terms of the course, VC is my favourite module as Andreas Angelopoulos is a great lecturer and the weekly guess speakers are phenomenal. The valuation and modeling skills we learn is great training for anyone considering a career in Finance. Advanced Financial Econometrics is challenge but with more time for self-study this term I am confident that the exams will okay.

I also registered for the CFA this week and received SIX volumes of textbooks so expect plenty of updates on my revision!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the CFA, electives, or even museum choices.



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