Category: Social

Some Highlights.

Some highlights of the past two weeks:

Left to right, top to bottom

Picture 1:

Big moment today: officially had the last day of classes for my MSc International Health Management. During this day we presented our findings on the healthcare consultancy project we have been working on for the past weeks (and obviously I needed a new suit for that – left on the picture). My group worked at Charing Cross Hospital looking at operational (in)efficiency at a cancer outpatient clinic. It was very interesting to do and staff at the clinic was very nice. What our group found particularly enjoyable but also challenging was applying the models from theory to the ‘chaos’ of the real world.

# Harlem Shake meme

Harlem Shake has become meme #1 just in a few days, and I really think that this meme is one of the best ever. It’s not only about fun, but smartness and creativity. I suggest memes in the future will has a huge impact on different social processes, and it’s a great topic for a digital marketing research.

Meanwhile, some great videos from Imperial students:

Imperial College Muay Thai

This year I started following Muay Thai practices at Imperial College. Muay Thai or Thai boxing is a highly dynamic form of martial arts, utilizing knees, elbows, shins and fists. I have been really enjoying it, it is not only great for your fighting skills, but also builds your mental strength and improves your fitness.

Last week, I filmed one of the practice to make a little video of what a Muay Thai training at Imperial is like and I would like to share the result with you (see the video below).

Muay Thai practices are held twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays in Union Gym 3 at Beit Quadrangle.

A New Term

I must start by first apologising for the lack of posts recently, I will promise to try and do better this term.

I had a great Christmas and managed to spend most of it on a beach free from the stresses of life at Imperial. Having exams before the holidays has one obvious advantage – for the first time I was actually able to have a proper break from University and come back re-energised for another term.

I felt that last term was a real scramble, with job applications, interviews, assignments and revision all piling up. But fear not, second term has been much more relaxed with fewer contact hours (3 modules compared to 4 in first term) and  job-related pressures.

Spring Term

Hey all,

So after only a short weekend break (I think many of us could have used a week-long break) the time came to start the second semester, the spring term of my MSc. This module we’ll be following five different courses, one of which will last the whole semester, and the other four half a semester. I now following Health Economics, Management Challenges, and Managing Change and Innovation. Let me give you a brief overview of what it’s about:

Health Economics: as the name already says so, you will be studying economics. Mostly related to health care, but also a lot of wider applicable topics such as supply and demand curves.

My First Birthday Celebration in London!!

I celebrated my birthday on Sunday with a bunch of friends over an awesome Turkish dinner. It was a semi-surprise party organised by a friend who – I learnt that night – had originally set out to plan a surprise event …but then must have somehow forgotten when he sent me a facebook message to tell me about what he was doing. I guess once he realized what had happened, he decided that the guest invited would simply remain a secret ….along with the location of the dinner. With him claiming to know exactly who all of my friends were, I was quite eager to see who’d turn up at the party!

End of Exams = End of Prohibition

Apologies for my lack of posts these last few weeks. For most of the Christmas period, I was far too busy with endless hours of tearful revision, pulling my own hair out and generally losing the will to live. Not painting the prettiest picture of MSc life here, but the picture shows nothing but the truth. Some of it can be attributed to the fact that I am the perfect face of, but really, the reading list is EXTENSIVE, at best. Admittedly, I expected nothing less, for it is a one-year degree programme at one of the top ten universities in the world, and it is student nature to moan.

The Business School’s Cross-Programme Night

I was going through the pictures on my phone today when I came across a catalogue of photos from a really fun night I had at the Business School’s cross-programme event that was held back in November. I should have posted about it ages ago, but it sort of got forgotten in the midst of all the deadlines. So here’s a slightly delayed peek at what went down that evening:

As an intern for the events team at the Business School, I help out at some events with things like set up, break down and registration. Since I was going to be attending the cross-programme night, I figured it would be fun to help with some of the organization too, especially since I knew there was going to be a big game to get people ready for.

The bear has found its way out of hibernation!

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Time flew by so quickly, I can’t believe it’s 2013 –

————–2013 and…. just to add to the volume of annoying comments about the end of the world, let me say this – it’s a miracle that Facebook made it through the 21st of December without wanting itself to crash from sheer exhaustion of having to display the same Armageddon jokes and comments over and over again!

I have to admit that it was rather fun reading about all the people who stocked up on food, First Aid supplies and other non-perishable items on the 22nd. As one of my friends put it, – the end of the world means the end of the world for..well 

Merry Christmas from Amsterdam!

Hi all,

Just a short post to wish you all a happy Christmas from Amsterdam. I hope that you all have had a wonderful Christmas eve; unfortunately, we had no snow here on Christmas eve, just rain.. Anyway, if you are applying for Imperial, be prepared that your Christmas break will be filled with studying. Seriously. Studying is what you will do during your break. Of course you’ll have (to make) time to meet up with some friends and see your family etcetera, but don’t expect to be chilling next to the Christmas tree and not think of your course work at all, haha!