Hardwork Dedication

Hi guys,

Sorry for being out for a long time. Winter semester is really tough. It begun from two subjects: Digital Marketing and Pricing, and three more is to come from Monday, the 18th of February.

IMPERIAL NERDSDigital Marketing was quite clear, maybe because I spent last two years doing marketing activities in Internet for different companies; maybe because we are all digital natives and all these are stuff inside our blood. Pricing might be difficult for guys without financial background; be ready to spend several hours in order to understand all materials, furthermore, some lectures are only available for self-studying. For one part of our syndicate group it became like a ‘good’ tradition to leave the library at midnight. But from the other hand it was very exciting experience. And stimulation game will come at the end of the course. Just a small tip: be very careful to all data and tools, which are available. Although our performance was quite good and I believe among TOP-5 at the stream, we made several mistakes because did not consider all information.

And our grades for autumn semester came straight at St Valentines Day. Good performance overall, but was surprised by assessment of one subject. So, guys, if you are students of Imperial Business School 2013/2014 – be very careful with exams guidelines and tasks. Only hardwork dedication will bring brilliant results.

Hope, you enjoy it



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