Tag: Teams Premium

Microsoft Teams – Town Hall and Webinar events

Town Hall events – available NOW

In place of Live Events (which have now been deprecated in Imperial), Microsoft are providing a new feature called Town Halls.  This offers many of the features that were available in Live Events, such as anonymous audience viewing and a moderated Q and A using the Teams Q and A feature which has evolved and is available more generally across Teams meetings.

In addition, Microsoft have added a feature to Town Halls which allows additional presenters on the screen – so it is much easier to hold Q and A sessions with multiple presenters at the same time or for multiple speakers to appear on screen together.

To request access to schedule a Town Hall event, you will need to complete a new Town Hall request form. Please only complete this form (https://forms.office.com/e/jdi6yP53EQ) to request Town Hall capabilities if you need to deliver a large-audience meeting with anonymous, unseen audiences.

Webinars – Available NOW

If you want to run a webinar, which is more like a normal Teams meeting but with greater audience control and with a registration form, then please complete the Webinar request form at https://forms.office.com/r/RDq7yw8Vmv

Teams Premium License – Available NOW

We recommend purchasing a Teams Premium license through ICT to gain full functionality, including the advanced features in Town Halls and Webinars.

Teams Premium licenses enable all the registration and communications features in Town Halls and Webinars, and in Webinars, allow for the restriction of numbers and the ability to run a “wait list”.

In addition Teams Premium licenses offer AI meeting notes and tasks features in normal Teams Meetings.

To request a Teams Premium license (which costs £20 + VAT per user per licensing year (01/11 – 31/10) or part thereof) please complete the form on the ICT Service Desk pages (https://servicemgt.service-now.com/ask?id=sc_cat_item&table=sc_cat_item&sys_id=62ad78231b060a14557837b5464bcb97)

Microsoft Teams Premium licenses

The availability of third-party tools for Meeting AI capabilities, such as Meeting Notes, Actions, etc., has been rapidly rising.

Unfortunately, these AI systems are beyond Imperial’s reach or trust at the present time – see Imperial’s AI and Education Guidance Hub pages (https://www.imperial.ac.uk/about/education/resources/ai-education-hub/).  Additionally, licensing such capabilities is expensive and may expose college data to use in the training of future AI models such as ChatGPT, etc.

Staff who wish to use meeting AI can now request a Teams Premium license through ICT.

The Teams Premium license costs £20 + VAT per user per year (or part thereof).

What’s in the Teams Premium license?

Teams Premium licenses deliver intelligent meeting recaps, live translations, and advanced event capabilities.

Meeting AI—If you record or transcribe a meeting, the AI will generate a meeting summary and a list of actions recorded during the meeting.

Live Caption translation—A Teams Premium license allows meeting attendees to choose the language into which the captions they view are translated. There is a list of 40 current languages, with more being added constantly.

Advanced Event experiences—If you are a webinar or Town Hall user, the Teams Premium license will add additional functionality to these event offerings.

You can find out more about these features at Microsoft’s Learn site for Teams Premium (https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/intelligent-productivity-with-microsoft-teams-premium-d5b02821-b9b1-4687-8c77-2f903ea68ad2)

How do I request a Teams Premium License?

You can order Teams Premium licenses by completing the request form at https://servicemgt.service-now.com/ask?id=sc_cat_item&table=sc_cat_item&sys_id=62ad78231b060a14557837b5464bcb97.

Once checked, the cost will be charged to your nominated cost code, and the license will be provisioned against your account.

N.B. Teams Premium can only be provided for users with an A3 or A5 license – please validate your license eligibility by going to the photo profile or initials in your Office 365 pages (https://office.imperial.ac.uk), then clicking on view account and choosing the subscriptions element. When viewing your subscriptions, you must check that you have either “Microsoft 365 A5 for faculty” or “Microsoft 365 A3 for faculty” applied to your account.