Mo Akinseye, Communications Intern, Communications Division

“My experience at Imperial has impacted me positively, both personally and career-wise.”

At the start of the summer, just after finishing my first year of my English and Communications degree at the University of Exeter, I was eager to get into the working world. I wanted to gain first-hand experience of communications, and I feel very lucky to have achieved this in Imperial’s communications team. 

I’ve had a long-standing interest in the broader creative industry for a long time, so I applied to intern with Imperial through Creative Access, an organisation that enables people from communities under-represented in the creative industries to access careers, progress and reach leadership. I came across the job description for the Communications Intern role at Imperial, and was drawn by the variety of media projects that the role offered. I didn’t have much prior knowledge of communications as a career path, so I aimed to find out what this would look like. 

Working as a Communications Intern for the past two months, I’ve had the chance to look at different ways of getting College activities across. Whether it’s conducting interviews for the College’s podcast, or writing social media posts for A-Level Results Day, each week at Imperial has brought me new surprises.  

The task that I found the most intriguing was working on the statistical evaluation of the Shifting the Lens series’ posts on Instagram. Evaluation is a necessary part of any process, but I greatly enjoyed being able to crunch numbers, and the evaluation opened my eyes to how broad communications can be. 

I think I fit quite well into Imperial as I’ve had a great fascination for STEM, even considering it as a career path at the start of sixth form. Through my role, I feel like I’m able to closely engage with STEM and keep in touch with my interests. 

The internship has had many highlights (including being based in the heart of the city!), but a key one would be meeting the comms division. Aside from being very welcoming, the department do amazing work in helping the College run. 

My time at Imperial is coming to an end soon, but my experience here has impacted me positively, both personally and career-wise. I have a good understanding of the concerns of an institution like the College, making me well-equipped for a career in the long run. I’ve learnt a lot about communications at Imperial, and it’s become one of my top options for a career. I’d love to come back here in the future!  

Outside of work, I cycle between a variety of hobbies. I enjoy playing video games (mainly Animal Crossing), learning French, playing the piano and crocheting. I always love to discover new things so this list is always subject to change! 

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