Lindani Ndou, Software Development Apprentice, ICT

Lindani Ndou

I contribute to the development, design and maintenance of applications and websites for central services teams.” 

After finishing my GCSEs, I went to sixth form to study chemistry, biology and music. At the time, I was set on going into the field of medicine with the aim of being a surgeon. However, when lockdown happened and my older sister moved back into our family home, I was exposed to more of the UX/UI (User Experience and User Interface) work she was doing and listened in on the Zoom calls she would have with her team. This reignited my interest in tech and coding, enough to make me switch paths and pursue it fully!  

After speaking with industry professionals, I decided that an apprenticeship would be more suitable for me than going to university. Over the next few months, I spent some time practicing coding, developing my skills, and building my portfolio. Then I discovered Multiverse, who brought the position at Imperial to my attention and guided me through the whole process. I haven’t looked back since.  

I currently work as a Software Development Apprentice in ICT and contribute to the development, design and maintenance of applications and websites for central services teams. In the future, due to my passion for front-end engineering, I look forward to creating and contributing to more applications. I also want to eventually start a network for young professionals of colour in the tech industry, as it was knowing people in the industry that opened my own eyes to new opportunities and possibilities.   

Of the Imperial Values, excellence and collaboration resonate with me strongly. I’ve always been a perfectionist, so striving for the best results I can is always a goal of mine. Not just for the benefit of Imperial, but because I can learn so much in the process. I even won an ICT award for excellence after just a few months of working here! Another significant part of my learning journey has come from collaborations with my peers and my team. They helped me gain confidence when it came to sharing my ideas and asking others for help.  

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