I think it’s time for another quick update on what is currently going on in the Business School! At the moment, everbody is busy finalising the last two group assignments for this term which are due next week. I will give you an update on the tasks and results by next week, as I’d like to address another interesting topic today: the SSC.
The SSC stands for Student Staff Committee and its members meet regularly throughout each term. In these meetings, several student representatives join the MSc Strategic Marketing Programme Team and other Business School representatives to give feedback on the courses and services provided by Imperial Business School and discuss current issues.
Our course has 10 student representatives catering for different issues: 2 academic representatives (one of which is me) who address academic issues regarding the individual courses and library services, 2 career representatives who focus on the career services offered by Imperial, 2 health and security representatives as well as 4 social representatives who are supposed to organise events and mingles for our course.
This week, we are going to have our second official meeting, followed by a Christmas social in the evening. Preceding each meeting we are supposed to poll our fellow students to get feedback on the specific areas we represent. Our first meeting several weeks ago was pretty lively and Colin, our programme director, was really happy to see us representatives so engaged in collecting and bringing forward feedback.
So far, I really have the perception that our feedback is always welcome and the programme team is eager to address issues or concerns that are raised during the meetings. It is a good way for the programme team to gather direct feedback from the students in order to further enhance teaching methods and provided services and, of course, it is also a good way for us students to address issues and to help further develop the course.
I am really looking forward to the next meeting and the Christmas social afterwards! Hope to get some interesting insights from some alumni who will also be present in the evening!