Over the summer, a number of upgrades have taken place to improve the student and staff facilities across our campuses.
Charing Cross
The Reynolds Café and Reynolds bar have been completely refurbished – a much needed modernisation to support our students and staff at this site.
Reynolds Bar
Reynolds Cafe
Reynolds Gym
The Gym facilities at this campus have also been upgraded providing better fitness facilities for our staff and students. This also includes the Energia Strength and Conditioning Room which includes state-of-the-art facilities for students who want to maximise their athletic performance.
- More details about the Reynolds Gym
Over at the Hammersmith campus, a complete refurbishment of the 3rd floor has taken place along with teaching labs, student common room and computer lab.
Seminar rooms in the sub-basement have also been upgraded and modernised to provide a better lecturing space.
Other upgrades:
We are continually improving the student and staff experience across the Faculty. A number of other areas have seen upgrades: