Month: October 2017

My ambitions for a fulfilling year ahead

Professor Jonathan Weber
This is my first month as Acting Dean of the Faculty, following Gavin Screaton’s departure to become Head of the Division of Medical Sciences at Oxford at the end of September. After 14 very successful years at Imperial, we wish Gavin every success as he takes on his new challenge.

My first few weeks in this role have been busy (inevitably) and fascinating in equal measure; I have been briefed on all the very wide responsibilities which sit with the Dean. It has helped that three of the four Deans of Faculty at Imperial are also in their first month, and we have been learning from each other. Within the Faculty we also welcome two new members of staff to the senior management team this month:

  • Dr Chris Watkins has joined us as Faculty Operating Officer from the MRC, where he was Director of Innovation, as well as having recently completed a part-time secondment as Head of Knowledge Exchange for the Francis Crick Institute.
  • Dr Des Walsh has taken up post as Director of Research Strategy for the Faculty, bringing to this role a wealth of experience from his last roles as Head of Infections and Immunity and, most recently, Head of Population & Systems Medicine at the MRC.

I look forward to working with both Chris and Des and all the senior leads here to support the Faculty’s work over the coming year. (more…)

Update from Imperial College Research Ethics Committee

Calling all postgrads!

Imperial College London would like to recruit a PG Student Representative for the Imperial College Research Ethics Committee (ICREC). Imperial College Research Ethics Committee was set up in order to meet requirements from external research funders for ethical review of proposals, which are not within the remit of NHS Research Ethics Committees.

A key aim of the Committee is to enable Imperial College to maintain the highest ethical standards in all research relating to human subjects.  ICREC normally convenes 6 times during each academic year, on a bi-monthly basis. The meetings normally take place on the second Tuesday of each month at our South Kensington Campus.

If you are interested in joining the Committee, please send a short letter outlining relevant experience and suitability. (more…)

CATO: Clinical Academic Training Office

CATO is part of the Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC), a partnership between Imperial College Healthcare Trust, Imperial College London, The Royal Marsden Foundation Trust and Royal Brompton & Harefield Foundation Trust. The CATO mission is to encourage and support doctors, nurses, midwives, AHP’s, pharmacists, and healthcare scientists – into clinical academic careers.  This drive within Imperial corresponds with national initiatives led by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), Health Education England (HEE) and others to increase and develop research engagement and allow clinicians opportunities to bring their expertise and questioning minds to the research table and contribute to enhanced patient care and outcomes.  Many of the activities and resources offered by CATO are only available to people working within the Imperial College AHSC. (more…)

Lecture recordings

The College provides Panopto to support recording of course lectures. While not obligatory, there are many good reasons to use this technology and the College encourages staff to make use of its capabilities.

Panopto is a flexible and easy-to-use platform that allows Imperial College staff to record audio, video, PowerPoint presentations and capture secondary sources e.g. visualiser. It can be used to record lectures, module introductions, assessment feedback and a range of other multimedia content.

Find out more and how to get started 


New SharePoint sites

The Faculty of Medicine has released two new SharePoint sites designed to provide all Faculty of Medicine staff with access to a central key contacts list and process repository. You will need to use Office 365 login ( to access these sites.

Key Contacts


To provide one central list of key safety and other defined roles to ensure that this information is recorded, updated and reviewed and can be updated in one source. (more…)

Innovative teaching spaces built at Charing Cross’s lab block

Over the summer months, three lecture theatres in the Lab Block at the Charing Cross campus underwent extensive refurbishment. The changes are in line with the College’s Learning and Teaching Strategy, and the spaces have been redesigned to facilitate different, more effective teaching methods, and better accommodating small group teaching.

While the 10th floor space remains in a tiered, theatre structure, it has been fully redecorated and includes new seating and brighter lighting.

10th floor space before and after


ICCESS update: International Symposium on Performance Science

International Symposium on Performance Science

Professor Roger Kneebone has recently returned from the highly successful biennial International Symposium on Performance Science (ISPS), hosted in Reykjavik’s iconic Harpa opera house. The conference, jointly led by Professor Aaron Williamon (co-director with Roger of the Royal College of Music-Imperial Centre for Performance Science) and the classical guitarist Professor, Petur Jonasson, brought together academics and practitioners from dance, music, medicine and other disciplines. (more…)