Month: June 2017

IC Biomedical Symposium 2017


On Wednesday 20 June, members of all departments across Hammersmith Hospital campus gathered for the “IC Biomedical Symposium” – an annual showcase of postdoctoral research which comprises work from departments of Medicine, Surgery and Cancer, NHLI and LMS.

After last year’s successful “Postdoc Knowledge Forum”, this rebranded second edition, ensured all members of the departments felt welcome to come and support the work of their postdocs, promoting multidisciplinary collaborations. In fact, a very positive turnout resulted from this rebranding with a 145-people registering, a quarter of which signed up on the day. Other than postdocs, Faculty members, PhD students and Master’s students also joined for the day, as well as members of other campuses, fulfilling the aim of a symposium that reaches a wider audience, brings the whole campus together, and facilitates collaboration across the different departments and divisions.


MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences (LMS) update

Irene Miguel-Aliaga and Alessandro Mineo

EMBO Election

Professor Irene Miguel-Aliaga, group head at the MRC LMS, has been elected a member of the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO). “This is a highlight of my career and I’m really pleased,” she said. In further EMBO-related success, Alessandro Mineo a postdoc in Miguel-Aliaga’s lab, has been awarded an EMBO Long Term Fellowship – to find out more about changes in the gut during pregnancy.

Holly Newton
Holly Newton

A hat trick of success for cancer researcher

It has been one success after another for PhD student Holly Newton of the MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences (MRC LMS) recently. First, Newton won a travel grant to attend a conference in Japan. Once there she won the poster competition. On returning home she presented her poster at the LMS retreat, and again scooped the institute’s “Rosa Beddington” poster prize. (more…)

WHO Collaborating Centre for Public Health Education and Training update

Advanced Leadership Course

The first week of July (3- 7) will be marked with another edition of Advanced Leadership course run by WHO Collaborating Centre for Public Health Education and Training. The course will take place at WHO CC, London,  with external visits as part of the programme. It will be attended by Chinese delegates.

Advanced Leadership course is one of the flagship courses run by WHO Collaborating Centre for Public Health Education and Training. It is aimed at Policy makers, health managers, heads of clinical and administrative departments, health professionals with an interest in management, and other interested stakeholders. It is an interactive training whereby participants are inspired but also challenged and allowed space for self-reflection and development.

WHO Collaborating Centre runs bespoke courses all year round. Please visit our pages: 

We offer training sessions that are tailor-made for participants and their professional needs as well as the current public health climate.


Monthly update from the Institute of Global Health Innovation

Future events

25-28 June
24-30 June

Past events

The Centre for International Child Health hosted a seminar looking at research on adolescent mental health and depression in Action and Africa.

IGHI joined up with WISH and the Research Centre for Islamic Legislation and Ethics for an event about bioethics and the embryo

Blog posts

bloodWorld Blood Donor Day: What can you do? Give blood, give now, give often. Read post here

Giving blood in Africa to aid medical emergencies, natural disasters and accidents. Read post here

Supporting midwives in The Gambia to save the lives of mothers and children. Read post here

Peer-delivered mental health interventions – a pragmatic solution to scaling-up access to mental healthcare? Read post here


World Haptics 2017

A conference delegate is talked through a demonstration of the device by Luc Maréchal
A conference delegate is talked through a demonstration of the device by Luc Maréchal

World Haptics is a major conference on technology that recreates the sense of touch, and is attended by research groups from the US, Japan, Korea and the UK, some of the leading countries behind this emergent branch of science.

Dr Fernando Bello and Dr Luc Maréchal of the SiMMS group within the Centre for Engagement and Simulation Science (ICCESS) attended the conference to showcase the latest developments of the Digital Rectal Examination Haptics Trainer (DiRECT) project.  The team have been working on technology to simulate assessment of sphincter tone; very important to a clinician carrying out an examination on a patient, but something that is not currently part of any existing training device. Dr Bello and Dr Maréchal presented a poster with two different approaches to simulate sphincter tone, one using cables and the other employing a soft pneumatic actuator.  They also demonstrated each prototype so that conference delegates could see – and feel – the technology for themselves. (more…)

Professors Friedland and Drobniewski elected ESCMID Fellows

Professor Jonathan Firedland, Head of Infectious Diseases and Immunity, and Professor Francis Drobniewski, Professor of Global Health and Tuberculosis, were elected Fellows of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) in early May.

The title ‘ESCMID Fellow’ recognises individuals who have achieved professional excellence and outstanding contribution to the field of microbiology and infectious diseases. Professor Friedland’s research interests lie in innate immune response and novel host directed therapies for tuberculosis and migrant health. Professor Drobniewski’s research group focuses on all aspects of tuberculosis and its interaction with HIV.

Professors Friedland & Drobniweski
Jonathan Friedland and Francis Drobniewski

Since its founding in 1983, ESCMID has evolved to become Europe’s leading society in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases with members from all European countries and all continents. Professors Friedland and Drobniewski are amongst the first 120 Fellows to be selected from a membership of around 7,500. A complete list of Fellows is available on the ESCMID website.

Writing well for the web

People tend to read a web page differently than they do on paper. This means that the best approach when writing for the web is different from writing for print. A website works best if people can find what they need quickly, complete their task and leave without having to think about it too much.

Writing for the webThe guidance on writing for Imperial’s website is based on research into how people read online and how people use the website. You can access this guidance as an online web skills module or through one of the monthly training sessions run by the College.

Upcoming sessions

  • Thursday 22 June (10:00-13:00)
  • Tuesday 18 July 2017 (10:00-13:00)

To book a place on a session, email News and Digital Content Editor Andrew Youngson