In June, the Joint Research Office and its partner teams held Research Support Roadshows at Hammersmith, St Mary’s and South Kensington campuses to outline the range of support services available to staff in the Faculty of Medicine. The sessions were well attended and well received, generating a range of questions and interesting discussions on a number of issues.
The various presentations can be accessed from the JRO website, covering the funding mechanisms and administrative procedures which underpin research grant applications and research-related contracts, including the five-day-submission-rule, online systems, College preferred terms, research governance, and patient and public involvement:
- JRO Grants (pre-award / post-award / EC)
- JRO Contracts
- Joint Research Compliance Office (JRCO)
- Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)
- Biomedical Research Centre (BRC)
- ICHT Divisional Research Management
Damian Cerase
Communications & Projects Coordinator
Joint Research Office