Four members of Prof Steven Marston’s group in the Myocardial Function section of NHLI attended the Alternative Motor and Muscle Club (AMMC) conference hosted by the University of Kent, Canterbury on 10th and 11th September. The AMMC is a special meeting exclusively for PhD students and postdocs that encourages full participation from the delegates and drives stimulating discussions and networking opportunities in an informal setting with no PI present. Such a unique blend of science and fun in a relaxed atmosphere is a great advertisement for muscle and motor protein research biology and the scientific world itself. It has been running for 30 years and provides an excellent template for student and postdoc networking.
We are happy to announce that the Imperial College researchers won all three poster presentation prizes. The awards went to:
1- “Investigation of obscurin and titin mutations and haploinsufficiency in hearts of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy” – presented by Dr Natalia Smoktunowicz
2- “Characterisation of sudden death pathologies in the E99K actin mouse model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy” – presented by Tom Owen
3- “Primary effects of HCM mutations in humans and cats” – presented by Dr Andrew Messer
We are also pleased to announce that the next AMMC meeting will be hosted by our group at Imperial College London, full details to follow.
Dr Natalia Smoktunowicz
Postdoctoral Research Associate
National Heart and Lung Institute