Author: Alison McGregor

Staying active as we age: Reflections and tips on National Fitness Day

Professor Alison McGregor

To mark National Fitness Day, former NHS physiotherapist and elite sports researcher, Professor Alison McGregor from the Department of Surgery and Cancer, reflects on her lifelong passion for physical activity. She explores the benefits of staying active as we age, offering practical advice on breaking sedentary habits and maintaining fitness throughout life.

My career began as a physiotherapist in the NHS, but I dreamed about working in sport. At that time, I played a range of racquet sports and hockey. Oddly enough my engagement with elite sport came through my research career rather than my academic career. For nearly 18 years, I worked with elite rowers and the GB rowing team. In 2012, I had the honour of running with the Olympic torch in London, representing Imperial.  

My passion for sport and activity persists, and although I no longer compete, I run most days, cycle to work and occasionally go on long hikes and expeditions to stunning parts of the world including Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Machu Picchu in Peru, the Manaslu Circuit in Nepal and Hadrian’s Wall which is closer to home. But why do I remain so active as I get older? 

We all know that physical activity is good for our health and wellbeing. National Fitness Day is a great time to think about our lifestyle choices, particularly our balance of physical activity and sedentary activities.  Sitting for more than 6-8 hours – which many of us do during the average working day – is not good for us. So, how do we change this?  
