Author: Sivaramesh Wigneshweraraj

Celebrating Regius Professor David Holden’s profound impact on microbiology at Imperial and beyond

In this piece Professor Ramesh Wigneshweraraj pays tribute to Professor David Holden, who retired as Regius Professor of Infectious Disease this summer.  

Foreword from Professor Deborah Ashby, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine 

I am very grateful to Ramesh for penning this wonderful tribute to Professor David Holden, who retired in May having contributed so much to his field and our university. 

His Regius Professorship in infectious disease was announced on 6 June 2016, when the honour was granted by Queen Elizabeth II as part of her 90th birthday celebrations. It was Imperial’s second, and at the time was one of only 26 Regius Professorships to have been granted since the reign of Queen Victoria. It recognised the world-leading infection research at Imperial that David has been the epitome of.

I congratulate David on all that he has achieved and wish him all the very best in his retirement.
