Category: Research Staff

Richard Baughen, Instrument Engineer – Space, Department of Physics

“The instrument was shipped off to the Netherlands and set up for us by colleagues at the European Space Agency. I was able to remotely log in to our instrument and control it from my living room…” 

I work as part of a team building a scientific instrument called a magnetometer that will be sent on a spacecraft to Jupiter and its moons in 2022.   

When the pandemic started, we found ourselves stuck at home alongside the rest of the country. After a couple of weeks tidying up documentation, we knew that to make real progress we had to get back into the lab. You cannot build a magnetometer in your kitchen… or can you?  (more…)

Richard Baughen, Instrument Engineer – Space, Department of Physics 

“The instrument was shipped off to the Netherlands and set up for us by colleagues at the European Space Agency. I was able to remotely log in to our instrument and control it from my living room…” 

I work as part of a team building a scientific instrument called a magnetometer that will be sent on a spacecraft to Jupiter and its moons in 2022.   

When the pandemic started, we found ourselves stuck at home alongside the rest of the country. After a couple of weeks tidying up documentation, we knew that to make real progress we had to get back into the lab. You cannot build a magnetometer in your kitchen… or can you? 

With great help from the department, some of us were back in very limited capacity from early May and things could start to move.  (more…)

Leon McFarlane, Research Technician, Department of Infectious Disease

“We started with animal studies and in June, began human clinical trials – that’s the quickest we’ve ever been able to move a vaccine candidate from the lab to the clinic.”

I’m currently working in Professor Robin Shattock’s lab. My background is in biomedical science, but I made the transition into infectious diseases research when I completed an internship with the Sanjeev Krishna group at St George’s, looking at malaria drugs and inhibitors.  

I worked there for a year and a half, but I knew I was more interested in the immunology side of the research. I completed my MSc in the Immunology of Infectious Diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Following this, I started an internship at Imperial at the International Aids Vaccine Initiative working on HIV clinical trials, which connected me with Professor Shattock.  (more…)

Rebecca Sie, Teaching Facilities Manager, Faculty of Medicine

“The COVID-19 pandemic has added a new layer of complexity to my role given the changes it has brought about – changes that I could never have anticipated six months ago! 

I worked for several years as a research scientist before making the transition to laboratory management, first joining Imperial in 2014 as a Trainee Laboratory Manager in the old Department of Medicine. I then spent some time working in Oxford and returned to the College just before Christmas last year. I had only been back for a few months when the College closed in response to the COVID-19 outbreak!  (more…)

Dr Camille Petit, Reader in Materials Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering

We are a team of about 10 researchers who investigate porous materials for applications in the energy and environmental sectors.” 

I have always struggled to fully enjoy the things around me if I can’t understand them. Ultimately, I think this is what has pushed me to studying science and engineering – along with the supportive environment around me.

After finishing my bachelors and master’s degree in the south of France, I moved to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, for a research project and then to New York, US, for my PhD and postdoc. These have been very enriching experiences, technically and culturally.

Dr Lindsay Dewa, Research Fellow in Public Health, School of Public Health

“We worked together with young people to conduct a mixed methods study to understand how COVID-19 lockdown has affected their mental health and how they are coping.” 

Woof! I start my day as I did before the UK lockdown began – with a stare from Baxter. Baxter – our border terrier – has really improved my wellbeing through lockdown. Keeping to our routine of walks, dinner and play has given me company through the lockdown, when it was not possible to see my partner, friends or family.

Professor Waljit Dhillo, Professor of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction

“As clinically trained doctors, this was the one time when the country needed the NHS more than ever. I have never experienced anything like this in the quarter of a century since I qualified.”

I am an NIHR Research Professor in Endocrinology & Metabolism and Head of the Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism. In my current role, I have the privilege of treating patients in the NHS, teaching medical students and postgraduate students, and carrying out cuttingedge research. Every day is different and I couldn’t think of a more interesting and rewarding job – 26 years after qualifying as a doctor, I still love what I do!  (more…)

Hadijatou Sallah, Research Assistant, Department of Infectious Disease

“Our COVID-19 vaccine work has been an immense team effort and within six months our group has begun a first-in-human trial of a saRNA vaccine – a great achievement in itself.” 

I am motivated by a desire to have an impact on human health and reduce inequalities in global health. After graduating with a degree in Biomedical Science I did an internship at Imperial, where I worked on a project that assessed the role of the placenta in maternal antibody transfer and the impact of maternal pertussis immunisation in early-life immune responses.    (more…)

Dr Florent Seichepine, Research Associate, Department of Computing

“We have been offering our services of nanotechnology and electronic microscopy, assembling medical devices and our large medical grade 3D printing facility.” 

I joined the College after finishing my previous role in Japan where I was working on neuron carbon nanotube interfaces – my research focused on the use of micro and nanotechnology for electronic interface with biology. I joined the Hamlyn Centre four years ago as a post-doctoral fellow, and I’m now working as the Interim Head of Facilities.  (more…)

Thomas Barbera, Research Technician, Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction

“As the lockdown began, I ensured that the multitude of samples in our department were safe, meaning our liquid nitrogen tanks were filled and our -80 freezers were monitored.” 

I studied Biomedical Science at the University of Manchester and after graduating, I worked as a Laboratory Technician before joining Imperial. In my current role as a Research Technician, my main duties include aiding clinical trials alongside biobanking. Biobanking involves approaching outpatients attending clinics to manage their liver-based diseases, and asking them to donate extra samples to our biobank sample repository. These will then be used in research to investigate liver disease, pending approval from the Biobank Governance Committee. As well as working at Imperial, I am also completing my master’s in clinical research.   (more…)