Think about your future!

Hi to all prospective students! My name is Ion Agirrezabal, I am Basque, 27 years old, and I am currently studying MSc International Health Management at Imperial College Business School. My background is scientific: I studied biochemistry and then worked for more than 4 years (first in a research laboratory and then in a pharmaceutical company) until I arrived here in London a few weeks ago. However, my trip to London started a long time ago doing what you are doing right now: looking for information and feeling a little bit lost and overwhelmed. But don’t panic! It takes time to gather information, read, evaluate and make a decision.

I decided that I wanted to study MSc International Health Management for several reasons. First, because I thought it could be a good course to skyrocket my career in the healthcare sector: it provides a good combination of business and healthcare management courses. Moreover, Imperial College London is a worldwide known university and has a great reputation. I have always wanted to study in a very prestigious university since I was a child! Finally, studying in English courses that I have never taken before such as Accounting is a big challenge for me, and I wanted to face it.

Luckily, everything is working out very well. Teachers and classmates are great! And teaching methods are fantastic! We have even been given an iPad for our classes too! It is incredible how well is everything organized here, specially the Career Service, and it is one of the main reasons for which students are very successful when they finish their courses at the Business School. However, there is also a secret you should bear in mind: these courses are very demanding from the very beginning and you must be willing to work hard for long hours. This is how you are going to contribute to your own future.


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