Amber Yitong Liu, MSc International Management, Imperial College Business School

“I hope every individual will no longer be entangled with the question of who they are, no longer fear their differences, and with joy, accept themselves and others, and accept this world that is inherently colourful like a rainbow.”

I was born and raised in China until I came to Canada at 13 and discovered I was genderfluid and bisexual. You can’t imagine my ecstasy upon realising that the ostracisation from school wasn’t because of my “weirdness” in my boyish behaviours, but rather a lack of understanding from those around me. One day, my high school finance teacher praised me, noting I was different from others, in a good way. Being the simple person I am, I decided finance was my favourite subject (the alluring world of finance also attracted me, of course).

After completing my undergraduate degree in finance and marketing, I decided to pursue a deeper understanding of the business world, and leverage my knowledge to assist those in need. Therefore, I joined the MSc International Management program at Imperial College Business School. It is the most exciting master’s program in business. I have opportunities to engage in worldwide projects in Cape Town, the US, Europe, and so many incredible places. It completes my UK experiences and makes this year of journey an unforgettable milestone in my life.

Volunteering with the Asia Community AIDS Services in Toronto exposed me to numerous challenging stories, highlighting the inadequacy of external support for the LGBTQ+ community and the critical need for internal empowerment. That is why, in business school now, I am volunteering as the president of the LGBTQ+ & Allies Business Club.

LGBTQ+ History Month honours past struggles and achievements, while inspiring a future of inclusivity and acceptance. As the representative of the LGBTQ+ community in the business school, I am proud to be part of the empowerment, facilitating opportunities for us to love ourselves and feel proud of our uniqueness and talents. The stories shared during this month empower individuals to stand up against discrimination, advocate for rights, and strive for a world where everyone can live authentically and without fear.

At Imperial, we are supported to deal with adversity with resilience. In a metaphor, we are empowered to swim upstream like salmon, no matter how turbulent the water is, because that river always belongs uniquely to us.

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