Blog posts

Alex Ashbee, Careers Events and Marketing Assistant, Careers Service

“It is really rewarding to organise events that our students get a lot out of, and that employers continue to attend because they value the talent at Imperial.”

I graduated in 2008 with a BA in Fine Art and have since worked in a diverse range of places, including the Houses of Parliament, the Natural History Museum and a rare stamp and coin specialist business. Working in this pretty eclectic mix has helped me develop a broad range of skills, and I have really enjoyed being able to meet and work with so many different characters.

I started working at Imperial in 2016 as a Marketing and Events Assistant in the Careers Service. My role is varied and can mean juggling a lot of disparate tasks, which is what attracted me to the position. My focus revolves around producing and designing our printed and online resources for students, assisting in the organisation of on-campus careers events and establishing good relationships with employers. I have really enjoyed working to develop our Careers Service’s visual identity into something that makes us stand out and attracts students to our service, and I hope to continue to evolve our identity onto different platforms. (more…)

Dr Rebecca Bell, Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth Science & Engineering

“My research involves investigating how continents rip apart to form new oceans, and what controls the size and style of earthquakes at subduction zones.”

My road to Imperial started with a childhood interest in picking up pebbles on the beach and making plaster cast fossils with my dad. At school I enjoyed maths, physics and chemistry, but did not enjoy any of them enough on their own to commit to doing them at university!

Fortunately, one day I sat in my school’s library and discovered a subject called Earth Science in a university prospectus. I had never heard of it before, but it fit all of my interests perfectly, and I have never looked back. (more…)

Sherifat Yesufu-Rufai, Research Postgraduate, Department of Chemical Engineering

“I didn’t realise how supportive of parenthood Imperial was – from the nursing room to the childcare centre. I immensely appreciate the College’s understanding that you can work in academia and be a parent.”

I was born and raised in Nigeria. I received a BEng in Chemical Engineering from the University of Benin, and subsequently obtained an MSc in Chemical Process Engineering from UCL. I started my PhD at Imperial in September 2017, receiving a scholarship from the Department of Chemical Engineering in collaboration with Shell. (more…)

David Tyoember, Undergraduate, Department of Chemistry

“I feel that Imperial’s willingness to support new initiatives is something I have benefited from, especially as this year I was able to start up a new Rap Society.”

During my time at Imperial, I’ve been involved in a few different extracurricular activities. In my first year, I developed an interest in under-representation in certain spaces, and decided to run for the position of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Officer. I also took up a role in the College’s Race Equality Charter Self-Assessment Team, as well as becoming the Vice President (VP) of Diversity within the Investment Society, which was a new role at the time. (more…)

Moira Sarsfield, Principal Learning Technologist, Faculty of Natural Sciences

“It is a very exciting time to be involved with supporting teaching and learning in the College. It is a fantastic challenge, and really motivating to be involved with improving the learning opportunities for Imperial students.”

I am a scientist at heart with a degree in genetics from the University of Aberdeen (my home town). After university, I worked in STEMM publishing, then as an e-learning project manager, producing CD-ROMs and websites for medical continuing professional development, and supplementary materials for university-level textbooks.

I began the third stage of my career in 2003, joining Imperial as one of the first learning technologists in the College – at the time, it was a part-time role in what is now called the Department of Life Sciences. During this period, I also worked with a consortium of universities and the Royal College of Nursing on development and delivery of an online degree programme for healthcare professionals. (more…)

Jack Elkes, Clinical Trials Statistician, School of Public Health

“I appreciate the flexibility, the work attitude and opportunities for development at Imperial. I am very proud to work for Imperial, a university at the forefront of research.”

Before joining Imperial, I worked as a biostatistician at IQVIA on a large scope of projects in various disease areas and trial phases. I have always enjoyed using an analytical approach to problem solving, which is why I studied for an MSc in Medical Statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. I have always been interested in healthcare, so before I became a statistician I undertook a BSc in Biomedical Sciences at Brighton University.

At Imperial I have two roles. Firstly, I work as a clinical trials statistician, working collaboratively with other researchers to set up, run and analyse novel interventions to evaluate their benefit in patient care. My day can include designing a new study, writing analysis plans and programming statistical analysis. (more…)

Dr Thulasi Mylvaganam, Lecturer in Control and Multi-Agent Systems, Department of Aeronautics

“Being Norwegian, I have a great love for the outdoors and I will search for any excuse to be on a mountain! I like to spend my time hiking, running, rock climbing and traveling… and I absolutely love snow – it’s magical!”  

I first came to Imperial to complete my undergraduate degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) back in 2006. I’ve always had a special interest in mathematics, so once I got my first introduction to control engineering in my second year, I was smitten. I completed my PhD in nonlinear control with Professor Alessandro Astolfi in EEE, and I am now a lecturer in the Department of Aeronautics.

My job involves doing and supervising research on various topics in control engineering. We follow an abstract approach: we describe a system (any system!) with a mathematical model and develop systematic methods to design feedback to make the system behave in a desired manner. The abstract approach makes control engineering very powerful, which is why it is everywhere! (more…)

Dr Adam Davis, Teaching Laboratory Manager, Department of Chemistry

“I was supported by the Learning and Development Centre in becoming a Chartered Scientist (CSci) – my proudest moment at Imperial so far.”

I began my career at the University of Birmingham in 2011, where I studied for a degree in Chemistry with Pharmacology. Shortly afterwards, I completed a MRes in Environmental Nanoscience, investigating the potential impact of manufactured nanomaterials on the environment and a PhD in synthetic and analytical chemistry, devising new nanosensor materials to make pH measurements in micro-environments. (more…)

Joshua Rasera, Research Assistant, Department of Earth Science and Engineering

“I love being surrounded by friendly, bright and talented researchers, and thankful that working at Imperial allows me to live my dream of being a part of the space sector.”

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to work in the space sector. As I was nearing the end of school, I decided to go into mechanical engineering with the goal of leveraging this education to a space career.

I completed my undergraduate and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering at the University of Waterloo in Canada, with a specialisation in heat transfer and metallurgy for automotive applications (i.e, not space). Following this, I worked as a process engineer at a hearing aid manufacturing company, Unitron Global, where I developed manufacturing methods and standards for custom hearing aids (again, not space). (more…)

Hans Chan, Undergraduate, BSc Chemistry

“Imperial is more than just an academic institution – there is a culture of facilitating innovation and helping students to implement and execute great ideas, which you might not find in a pure research environment.”

Since starting my Chemistry degree at Imperial, I have been involved in a variety of things – from being a part of the Robotics and Drone society, to getting involved in tech entrepreneurship competitions hosted by the College.

The College has incredible resources, which enable both students and staff to carry out ground-breaking work in both natural sciences and engineering. At Imperial, there is a celebratory feel in the air whenever something new is created, and this is an environment I enjoy being part of. Imperial is more than just an academic institution – there is a culture of facilitating innovation and helping students to implement and execute great ideas, which you might not find in a pure research environment. (more…)