Category: Professional staff

Neil Taylor, Teacher of English, Centre for Academic English

“We needed our online classes to allow us to help academically but also to be a supportive, social space.”

I work part-time at Imperial as an Academic English Teacher in the Centre for Academic English where I support students and staff with the written and spoken communication of their research. Alongside this I teach part-time for the Victoria and Albert Museum. On July 14 I published my first novel The Miseducation of Evie Epworth, fulfilling my long-standing goal of publishing a book. (more…)

Andy Hitchman, Deputy Head of Purchasing, Finance Division

We have issued more than 4,000 packs across all campuses, and we have orders in process for sufficient stock to make up a further 6,000 packs ready for those returning to campus in future, including students in October.” 

I joined Imperial’s Purchasing Department in November 2000. Since 2012, I have been Deputy Head of Purchasing, which involves overall responsibility for the day to day purchasing operations at the College, as well as delivering the Purchasing Strategy, improving the systems used and ensuring we deliver best value and savings across the wide portfolio of spend at the College.   (more…)

Andy Pritchard, Photographer and Videographer, Faculty of Medicine

Celebrating our community during COVID-19

“Since COVID-19 began I’ve filmed, edited and distributed 40 videos about COVID-19 protection for frontline staff with Dr Iqbal Malik for the European Cardiology (ePCR) response to the pandemic – one video has over 100,000 YouTube views. 

Following a BA, an MA (Video), and an MSc (Medical Illustration – Photography and Video), I started working at St Mary’s Hospital as a Medical Photographer in 1994, and subsequently filled several audio-visual roles until my current post as Photographer and Video Producer within the Faculty of Medicine.  (more…)

Anique Varleigh, Head of Examinations and Assessment, Business School

Celebrating our community during COVID-19

“We have successfully moved 70 exams and 1,400 students from April to June into the digital exam world, ran numerous student training sessions, created demos and video for students and faculty.” 

I am the Head of Exams and Assessment at Imperial College Business School and Co-Chair of the Race Equality Charter‘s Self-Assessment Team. I joined the Business School in 2013 after leaving a similar role at a Royal Medical College where I worked for 14 years. Throughout my career, I have worked on process and procedure improvement projects such as moving examination applications online, to moving exams online here at Imperial. 

Before the pandemic, the Business School had been working on our biggest ‘bring your own device’ digital exam pilot using WISEflow. Myself and my colleague Emma Stoakes, our digital exam project lead, had been working on this big moment for the past 12 months… and then the pandemic hit!  (more…)

Samuel Phillips, Events Technical Manager, Catering Services

Celebrating our community during COVID-19

We have had to create new ways of replacing physical events with virtual ones. One example was to assist the Enterprise team with a highprofile pitch event that could no longer take place in person. 

After finishing my Materials degree at the Royal School of Mines I (almost literally) fell into a role working for the Campus Services Events Department over the summer of 2006. The rest, as they say, is history. As the Events Technical Manager, I offer audio visual support to any College event and oversee a team of casual technicians that keep College events running. We are the sole producer of live streaming video content to Imperial’s YouTube channel, with over 130,000 subscribers worldwide.  (more…)

Dr Sabine van Elsland, External Relationships & Communications Manager, School of Public Health

Celebrating our community during COVID-19

“It is humbling being part of Imperial’s COVID-19 response team. It is amazing to see the passion, talent, expertise and experience from colleagues coming together as a team delivering high profile work amidst a global crisis.”

I am an infectious disease epidemiologist and the External Relationships and Communications Manager at the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, Jameel Institute (J-IDEA). It is a privilege being in a position to witness the world coming together from this up-close. We are grateful to receive support from major funders like the MRC and Community Jameel.

I studied health sciences in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (my home country) and Bandung, Indonesia. My MSc in infectious disease at the VU Amsterdam took me to Aurangabad, India and Cape Town South Africa. For 10 years, I was proud to call Cape Town my home, where I completed my PhD. It was almost two years ago that I joined the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis and moved to London with my family. (more…)

John Field, Fire Safety Manager, Estates Division

Celebrating our community during COVID-19

“I am currently writing and producing a Home Fire Safety video for our students and staff in order to ensure their safety as they work from home.”

Before joining the College in 2018, I worked as a firefighter for 18 years with Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service. I now work in Estates Operations where my role requires me to provide fire safety training, complete fire risk assessments and audits, as well as advise on fire safety features required for new buildings. (more…)

Adrian Mannall, Microsoft Cloud Tenancy Lead and Microsoft Supplier Relationship Manager, ICT

Celebrating #OurImperial community during COVID-19

“We were asked if there was anything we could do to help with running an online conference. Our CIO said: ‘I’ll put you in touch with Mr Office 365.’”

I joined Imperial in 2004 as one of four Faculty Support Managers in ICT. Ten years later, at the end of 2014, I was offered the opportunity to manage a project to move staff and postgraduate student mailboxes into Office 365. Following that, I took on my current role of managing Microsoft cloud services, Office 365 and Azure. These services are used widely across the College: 22,500 students and members of staff store over 430 TB of files on OneDrive for Business, while Office 365 delivers more than 18 million emails into user mailboxes each month. (more…)

Rob Eastwood, Service Coordinator, Counselling and Mental Health Service

Celebrating #OurImperial community during COVID-19

“First and foremost, everyone has been working to make sure that our students are being supported – that our students have that key mental health support.”

I’m a Service Coordinator in the Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service. I’m responsible for making sure that the administration of the counselling and mental health process runs smoothly – both for the students and the staff – and that our students can be contacted safely, quickly and fairly.

When the lockdown happened, the first thing we did was pause our service for about a week while we planned and implemented the safest way to support our students. I worked closely with ICT – in particular with Nam Ly, Mark Curtis and Rob Sherwood – to get the team set up with the equipment they needed to work remotely and to make sure they could access our systems. (more…)

Georgina Wildman, Library Manager & Liaison Librarian (Medicine), Library Services

“I’m always proud to see MBBS students become junior doctors and to see ground-breaking research by the familiar faces of our library users reported in the news.”

I started my career at the age of seven as a student librarian at primary school – clearly it was a formative experience as I’ve been working as a qualified librarian since 2008. I’ve been at Imperial Library Services for eight years. The pay, conditions and technology have vastly improved from that primary school library, but I do miss the special gold “Librarian” badge… (more…)