Blog posts

Dr Marian Blokpoel, Biological Safety Officer, Health and Safety Services

Celebrating #OurImperial community during COVID-19

“We really want to support everyone to do the research, not just for the sake of their own research project, but for the wider community. That’s what will make the impact.”

I’m originally from the Netherlands, but I came to Imperial 25 years ago as a Master’s student and have been at the College ever since – through my PhD and postdoc positions, and now in the Safety team. I love science, and while today I don’t work in the lab, my job lets me see lots of the research that’s going on across the College, which is really exciting. (more…)

Haron Shams, Undergraduate, Dyson School of Design Engineering

“I chose Design Engineering because it was about building something and getting it out into the real world.”

I was born in Afghanistan but grew up in Stoke-On-Trent. It was in secondary school that I really started getting into science. First, I got into physics – I think you can basically know everything if you know physics. Then, I became interested in how you can apply physics to make real things, which is how I discovered engineering. I was also interested in computer science because I wanted to make my own video game. (more…)

Chris Timmerman, Research Assistant, Department of Brain Sciences

“I feel very passionate about my work because it enables us to explore realms of human experience which have gone relatively unnoticed in scientific research.”

I studied Psychology in Santiago, Chile, my home country. After working for a couple of years there, I enrolled for a Master’s in Neuroscience at the University of Bologna in Italy, where I did some experimental work on the mechanisms associated with time perception and learning. (more…)

Yewande Adesida, Research Postgraduate, Department of Surgery and Cancer

“My research looks at wearable technology and how it can be used to monitor athletes’ movements in sports as both a performance indicator and an injury prevention tool.”

I started my undergraduate degree at Imperial in Materials Science and Engineering in 2012. I then had a short break before coming back to start my PhD, which looks at the use of strain sensors to measure joint kinematics in sport. My research looks at wearable technology, and how it can be used to monitor athletes’ movements in sports as both a performance indicator and an injury prevention tool.

Throughout my time at Imperial, I’ve been involved with sports – first rowing, and now cycling. During my undergraduate degree, I was part of the Imperial College Boat Club, and I’m now part of the Imperial College Cycling Club. I enjoyed being part of the Boat Club as it felt like I was part of a supportive community, and it was great to meet people who were also interested in rowing. (more…)

Georgina Wildman, Library Manager & Liaison Librarian (Medicine), Library Services

“I’m always proud to see MBBS students become junior doctors and to see ground-breaking research by the familiar faces of our library users reported in the news.”

I started my career at the age of seven as a student librarian at primary school – clearly it was a formative experience as I’ve been working as a qualified librarian since 2008. I’ve been at Imperial Library Services for eight years. The pay, conditions and technology have vastly improved from that primary school library, but I do miss the special gold “Librarian” badge… (more…)

S L Reid-Collins, Postgraduate, Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication

“I am proud to be queer – it has given me the drive to do as much as I can to combat any biases and injustices within science and healthcare.”

Celebrating LGBT History Month

I joined the College’s Science Communication Master’s programme in September last year. The course fits me perfectly and allows me to combine my love of writing, investigating and the sciences. Prior to joining the course I’d studied journalism at undergraduate level, and was always keen to follow this into science communication and reporting. (more…)

Alex Ashbee, Careers Events and Marketing Assistant, Careers Service

“It is really rewarding to organise events that our students get a lot out of, and that employers continue to attend because they value the talent at Imperial.”

I graduated in 2008 with a BA in Fine Art and have since worked in a diverse range of places, including the Houses of Parliament, the Natural History Museum and a rare stamp and coin specialist business. Working in this pretty eclectic mix has helped me develop a broad range of skills, and I have really enjoyed being able to meet and work with so many different characters.

I started working at Imperial in 2016 as a Marketing and Events Assistant in the Careers Service. My role is varied and can mean juggling a lot of disparate tasks, which is what attracted me to the position. My focus revolves around producing and designing our printed and online resources for students, assisting in the organisation of on-campus careers events and establishing good relationships with employers. I have really enjoyed working to develop our Careers Service’s visual identity into something that makes us stand out and attracts students to our service, and I hope to continue to evolve our identity onto different platforms. (more…)

Dr Rebecca Bell, Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth Science & Engineering

“My research involves investigating how continents rip apart to form new oceans, and what controls the size and style of earthquakes at subduction zones.”

My road to Imperial started with a childhood interest in picking up pebbles on the beach and making plaster cast fossils with my dad. At school I enjoyed maths, physics and chemistry, but did not enjoy any of them enough on their own to commit to doing them at university!

Fortunately, one day I sat in my school’s library and discovered a subject called Earth Science in a university prospectus. I had never heard of it before, but it fit all of my interests perfectly, and I have never looked back. (more…)

Sherifat Yesufu-Rufai, Research Postgraduate, Department of Chemical Engineering

“I didn’t realise how supportive of parenthood Imperial was – from the nursing room to the childcare centre. I immensely appreciate the College’s understanding that you can work in academia and be a parent.”

I was born and raised in Nigeria. I received a BEng in Chemical Engineering from the University of Benin, and subsequently obtained an MSc in Chemical Process Engineering from UCL. I started my PhD at Imperial in September 2017, receiving a scholarship from the Department of Chemical Engineering in collaboration with Shell. (more…)

David Tyoember, Undergraduate, Department of Chemistry

“I feel that Imperial’s willingness to support new initiatives is something I have benefited from, especially as this year I was able to start up a new Rap Society.”

During my time at Imperial, I’ve been involved in a few different extracurricular activities. In my first year, I developed an interest in under-representation in certain spaces, and decided to run for the position of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Officer. I also took up a role in the College’s Race Equality Charter Self-Assessment Team, as well as becoming the Vice President (VP) of Diversity within the Investment Society, which was a new role at the time. (more…)