Op Soc 2 – Princess Ida: 1986

Today we have something in colour, and that makes a change from mostly black and white videos. Way back in February 1986, a few months before STOIC broke away from the College TV Studio, they reported on Op Soc. I’ve looked through the videotape card index and there are three cards listing STOIC’s coverage of Op Soc’s productions. If you look at the first card that I scanned, you can get an impression of just how many were covered. Intriguingly, I also spot a February 1979 twenty minute documentary programme (D5). Sadly, if it still exists, it’s on the Ampex 7003 One Inch type A format, which we can no longer play.

Luckily, we do have from 1986 Op Soc with Princess Ida. This is a review with clips, not the entire production. I’m assuming that this was in the union building concert hall.

Colin Grimshaw September 2021

3 comments for “Op Soc 2 – Princess Ida: 1986

  1. Dear Colin,

    I found this IC Video Archive Blog by accident, but what a joy! So many memories. I shall enjoy catching up on all the STOIC material. I was heavily involved with STOIC in my undergraduate years (1977-80) on the technical and directing side, including for a short while being named on the running orders as God #2 – you were, of course, God #1!

    I can confirm that Princess Ida was indeed staged in the Union Concert Hall – I was singing the role of Hilarion. I’d forgotten that STOIC had videoed it (if indeed I ever knew). I can probably dig out the full cast list if it would be useful.


  2. The writing on the index card is mine. I was STOIC archivist in 1980/81 so I started the card index.

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